Saturday, October 10, 2009

real vs. fake news

Since this class started I've been thinking about the pros and cons of digital journalism. While I've focused mostly on the pros in my blogs I was thinking about the not so positive side and I thought I'd share my thoughts. The first thing I want to discuss is something I started thinking about in my Journ. 305 class. We discussed one day that the trouble with opinion pieces is that wrong information can get out there. I thought this was especially true with digital journalism where there are citizen journalists. People can take everything they read to heart. So if a blog or article states the wrong news then people believe what is being written even if its false or bias. With a newspaper the facts are checked and stories are monitored to prevent false information. The internet doesn't allow for that and people will find the wrong information out there and believe it.

Then I got to thinking about the stolen phone story we read. While that girl did something wrong her privacy was totally violated. A newspaper wouldn't be able to print stuff like her myspace page or home address. Especially since it would cause people to be able to harrass her. But on the internet, journalists don't have to stick to the ethic guidelines a paper would have.

Anyways just wanted to share my thoughts on the subject.

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