Saturday, October 3, 2009

news and information

I have to agree that with digital journalism news and information are becoming more meshed together. Take for an example the newspaper. With that we would just get the news or perhaps some little tidbit to help understand a story better. But information was left behind to cover the news story. Information was covered by something else. But with the internet journalism is changing. With news posted online there are various links to other information you can get on a subject they are discussing. News is not the alone product anymore of journalism. To be successful onine it seems journalists have to blend their stories with news and information.


  1. This is true nowadays ever little thing journalist come up with seem to be at least a little newsworthy. Journalist nowadays are able to make any story have some type of relevance which is good because you are right in order to be successful online you have to have relevance

  2. I am careful to include the word information when I talk about what journalists do now and what we're studying because I think what we consider to be news is changing. Thanks for bringing the concept of relevance to this discussion. Perhaps information becomes news when it is relevant and meaningful to more than a few people?
    Christine M. Tracy
